The future of medical technology
starts here.

A career at Henke Sass Wolf.

If you want to get far, it's best to start at the top. By choosing Henke Sass Wolf, you are picking an employer who sets the bar very high ? and not only in terms of its products.

Medical technology is our world. This is an attitude we share with our team members at 5 locations across the globe. They all want to achieve their professional goals at Henke Sass Wolf. And, let's be honest: It's a special incentive to be able to play a part in shaping the health care of the future for humans and animals. That is only possible with a strong team of experts and state-of-the-art technology. At HSW, we like to invest in both. And the best thing about it: There are always job openings at the top of the medical technology sector.

Icon for high school students and pupils and the offer for them at Henke Sass Wolf.

High school students

Are you on the cusp of graduating from school? With a good apprenticeship, an exciting dual course of study, an internship or your technical thesis, you will get that first step right.

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Icon as a book for the students at Henke Sass Wolf and the offer for them.


You have a bit of time while getting your degree to find out how your theoretical knowledge can be applied in practice? Get the most out of an internship semester or your thesis with HSW.

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Icon for career starters by Henke Sass Wolf.


With your diploma in the bag, you are ready for your first professional experience. Now it is up to you: Time to turn your professional goals into reality ? and we will help you.

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Career icon for professionals in medical technology at Henke Sass Wolf.

Experienced Professionals

Are you ready for new career challenges? Then you should find a company that appreciates ? and rewards ? the work you do. Such as a leading medical technology company.

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You don't raise standards by standing still.

Become part of progress. 1,500 colleagues are looking forward to witnessing your development.

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Icon for Henke Sass Wolf as a recognized training company in medical technology.

> 100 years experience as company providing apprenticeships

> 10 percent share of apprentices

100 percent likelihood of onboarding following the apprenticeship

Why is HSW the best employer for you?

Obviously, from our perspective, we think there are many reasons. What's more important, however, are the reasons from your perspective, i.e. what we can offer you. Take a minute to have a first look at our working environment.

Getting to know the HSW working environment