Sneak a peek at different potential jobs
When it's all about launching your career, you should not buy a pig in a poke. It's better to seize the opportunity of taking a look behind the curtain. Honestly, in the worst case, you will find out that the job is no fun whatsoever and have avoided getting stuck in the middle of a 3-year apprenticeship. In the best case, you find a job you truly enjoy – and you even get a foot in the door with a good employer.
That means: In any case, you are getting a step closer to embarking on a career path that is a good fit and that you enjoy. And, obviously, we want to support you in that endeavor.
Then take advantage of your time off. During your next vacation, you can complete a one-week internship with us. And, if you want to make some extra money instead, then pitch in by taking a job during your vacation (you must be at least 16 years old). As needed, we will put you to work in our administration, production, warehouse/shipping or assembly departments. You may naturally tell us your preferred department and, thereby, possibly combine a vacation job with insights into a career.
Choose an occupation or a department that you are most interested in and note it in your application materials. That allows us to tailor your time at Henke Sass Wolf to your needs.
Compile your application materials (consisting of a cover letter, tabular resume and performance records).
Send us an internship job application at least 2 weeks or your vacation job application at least 4 weeks prior to your preferred start date by emailing personal(at)
Contact person
Julia Baumeister
Phone | +49 7462 9466-201 |
personal(at) |