Students in the medical technology at Henke Sass Wolf talking together in the headquarter in Tuttlingen.

Practical experience for students.

Give your career a boost before, during and after your studies.

The knowledge you gain in class will pay dividends in your professional life. That is why it is useful to explore your interests as you earn your undergraduate or graduate degree. At Henke Sass Wolf, we offer you exciting projects in all departments, entrust you with responsible tasks and provide you with opportunities to get a head start.

Icon for the internship at medical technology company Henke Sass Wolf.


You have a bit of time to find out how your theoretical knowledge can be applied in practice? Then get started in a place where you can get the most out of it.

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Icon for the thesis in studies at Henke Sass Wolf in Tuttlingen.


The home stretch of your studies. With an innovative company by your side, your thesis will turn out much better.

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Icon for seamless onboarding at the medical technology expert Henke Sass Wolf.

Seamless onboarding

A good degree opens many doors. And getting your first professional experience at Henke Sass Wolf ensures they are the right doors.

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Dann wende dich gerne an
Julia Baumeister